Wednesday 12 December 2012

Outward Bound

As you know, Troy and I like to get out and about (when the weather allows).  I have been using the car seat attached to the stroller...but have been finding that Troy is getting a little too snuggly in it??  In fact, now that the weather is getting chillier...and I have been putting more layers on him...I'm finding that I cannot expand the belts enough.  When I tried to fit him in with his new puffy jacket, he simply did not fit!!  Shocked that he could already be outgrowing the carseat, I took a look at the weight and height restrictions - he's already exceeded the height and is not far off the 22 lbs it's time to start looking for a new car seat.

In the meantime, we can still take strolls in the stroller (phew!).

chillin' in the car seat (without puffy jacket!)
graduation to the stroller without the car seat!
Puffy jacket makes a good pillow too...zzzzzzzzz
double-checked the bouncy chair weight goes up to 25 lbs...phew!!
Good thing...because Troy had TWO servings of sweet potato after our walk.  I guess it was all the fresh air?

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