Thursday 30 August 2012

Auntie Patty

Today is Auntie Patty's birthday.  She is my mommy's big sister (mommy said "oldest" but I thought big sounded nicer).  Auntie Patty is "big" on cuddles and she even drove alllllllllllll the way from Medicine Hat, Alberta to see me - and she gets that's love!

Singing Happy Birthday

Here's my birthday card for Auntie Patty...

Mommy spent a lot of time making these signs
and taking separate photos, which in the end just
look like she pasted them on top after, which is NOT
nearly as much effort as she put in - she just
wanted you to know that.  She also said she is looking
forward to the day she can send some of my "art"
as a birthday card.  I think she was considering
strapping crayons to my hands this year!
here's an out-take...this was prior to nap...NOT happy!

Here I am with Auntie Patty when I was way littler
Look how much bigger I am Auntie!  There's more of me to cuddle.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Morning Workout

Here is Troy during his morning workout in his crib.  He loves to kick his legs and flail his arms...sort of "horizontal aerobics".  This is usually a good time for Mommy to get a few chores done (except when she's snapping pics for the blog) You will notice that his workout gear is getting a bit small...those kneepads are more like shin pads!!  I guess mommy will have to retire another of her favorite outfits soon.  

Swing those arms everyone
Now reach for the sky
Now get the legs moving...shimmy, shimmy...
a little air guitar
Gettin' Jiggy...

Mommy's Little Man

Here is Troy during his post-feed nap in my lap...wearing his favorite jammies (the "mommy's little man" badge helps make it a favorite!!)

All snuggly

Funny Dream

Monday 27 August 2012

Off Roadin'

When Simon and I were buying Troy's stroller we knew it had to be built for "off-roading" - for the rather rough trail at the end of our block.  The trail leads to open fields...the closest thing we have to the "prairies" around here!  It was a beautiful afternoon for a stroll around the countryside.

Country mouse
Mom do you know where you are going?
This outdoorsy stuff is fun

On the outside

Troy enjoyed some fresh air this weekend.  We set up a playpen in the yard so that we could take in one of the last warm weekends of the summer.  The outdoors seemed to tire him out, so he slept soundly.
Yes...finally a picture with mommy in it!
Can't take my eyes off of him
The beauty of nature

Friday 24 August 2012

Funny Faces

Prepare yourself for another photo mommy could not pick a favorite from today's photos shoot.

Leisurely in my leisure suit
Laugh or sneeze?
Mommy you are boring me
Mommy spotted the fake yawn...more pics!
Oh fine...the camera does love me 
my serious pose
less serious
Happy chappy

Sleeping on the job

Yesterday was a busy day and I didn't get a chance to take any photos - so all I've been able to capture this morning is Troy sleeping.  I am sure he is dreaming up something exciting for me to blog about next!


Wednesday 22 August 2012


Troy received this shirt from his relatives in Hungary.  I emailed my mom the photo so she could translate it for me.  Turns out it is not even Hungarian!  Apparently, Ibolya (the lovely lady who bought the shirt) just liked the cats on it.  So, if anyone can read what it says...let me know!

international man of mystery

Hot Yoga

I've been going through Troy's closet to determine what clothes he's already grown out of and which of the clothes "in-waiting" already fit him.  When Auntie Carolyn bought these yoga pants for Troy in Victoria, I thought he would be a toddler before fitting them.  Clearly, that was before he was born!!

more Yogi than Yoga?

Play time

Every afternoon, Troy and I have play time.  This usually consists of laying on the floor with a few toys.  He kicks away at the ball, bats his hands at Capt. Calamari and gurgles away.  I do try to give him some tummy time as well...but he doesn't seem to like it much. I'm guessing his tummy gets in the way!  He is holding his head very well anyway, so I don't worry that he will need time on his tummy to strengthen it.  Troy is also becoming very aware of his own hands (after bonking himself several times with them!).  He is so much fun to watch as he discovers new things.

keeping my eyes on everything
Ker-pow...I'm a knock-out!
Captain Calamari and me
I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Swingin good time...

Troy loves his swing.  Perhaps this is something that he has inherited from his mom?  Regardless, it truly is the greatest invention...EVER!  It even has soothing sound effects (which I initially made fun of...but he absolutely loves the water sound #4...not #3...#4!)  Thank you Graco, you have saved my arms and back, and allow me to get things done - like posting this blog!

Happy as a clam 
This is me and my sisters with our childhood swing set.  We spent hours
playing here...with splinters and rope burn to prove it. ( At least I won't
have to cut Troy's hair out of twisted rope in his swing!)  I also don't
have a clue how my mom had the time to make us fashion accessories
out of dandelions - you are my hero gramma!  By the way...that's me on the right

Monday 20 August 2012


Troy loves to fall asleep with his arms wrapped around his dad.

Snuggly in the nursery
Big hug for dad


Troy and Simon were both wearing their rugby shirts on the weekend.  I find that putting clothes on Troy makes him look so grown up (and in this case...about 20 lbs heavier!!)

Lil' chunk and daddy
All smiles in stripes

Road trip...

It's no secret - just ask Gramma Annie - Troy does not "prefer" his car seat.  However, we think he is adjusting to life in straps.  Here is a photo essay from one of this weekend's car trips:
Oh no...I'm strapped in the carseat!
Hmmm...I'm not hysterical yet...
Not sure if I hate this or kind of enjoy it?
I think I might be enjoying it?
This car ride stuff just might be okay!