Saturday 31 December 2016

Spirited Christmas

We had a wonderful holiday season...filled with family, food and festivities!
Troy decorating cookies for Santa
What do you think??

Shepherd dress rehearsal

All set to Shepherd!
Waiting patiently (sort of), at church on Christmas Eve,
 to join the other shepherds and angels
(while Daddy prevents me from poking him with my stick!)
Here I am...up front...with the other shepherds and angels

After church, we went to see my cousins...Dylan and Bailey (Zach was there too!)

Daddy and Bailey are helping me decorate a gingerbread train

Auntie Lorraine helped me finish them off :)

Christmas morning...opening stockings
Look, there's presents under the tree, too!

Opening the rocket ship

Ready for take-off
What could this one be?
Santa brought me a Hot Wheels track too!

"transforming" my rocket launcher

"helping" Daddy build the rocket ship launch pad

We are so blessed!

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