Saturday 20 August 2016

Blue Rock

Last week we went camping at Blue Rock (where we were supposed to go camping the last time...before we took the wrong turn!)  It is a beautiful spot along the Sheep River.

Found the river...and the rocks!
Captain Americas hangin' out riverside
Lots of rocks to throw...
and stack...
and wash
"helping" set up the camp chairs
Testing out the big bed
Evening snack
A hug from Daddy
We have this WHOLE forest to explore...

In my pajamas!
Our campsite backed onto a view of the Sheep River
I can hear it from here!
Let's go this way!
Leaf mustache
Time to head back to the camper
All snuggly
Good morning sunshine!
Morning cheers
Check out the canyon behind me
Hiking along

Mountain meadow

Mommy hug
The Sheep River was Baaaaaa-eautiful :)

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