Friday 8 August 2014

Kayben Farms

Today Troy and I went to visit Auntie Lorraine and Dylan at Kayben Farms. Dylan works there, in the kitchen...and he even pulled some strings to get us in the adventure park for free...wheeeee!  It took a while for Troy to warm up to the place - but once he did...there was no stopping him (not even for lunch).  Thankfully they put picnic tables everywhere so that Lorraine and I could enjoy a tasty lunch while Troy played (and ate a lot of sand and dirt-covered snacks).  Dylan even made us fresh donuts (with glaze!) in the outdoor kitchen. What a treat :)

Hmmmm....I think I see Dylan over there?
It is at the wood-fired oven
Of course Troy found a swing (shaped like a perfect)
Then it was off to Wheat Wonderland
Wheat makes for an interesting sandbox
Dylan making donuts (using Gramma Annie's recipe)
Making the glaze for the donuts in the wood-fired oven
the outdoor oven
Giddy up Cow
Maybe these Rhinos will go faster?
Digging in the sandbox 
Bouncin' away
Troy filling the ball cannon
Then running after the balls to fill it up again
More running
The sign of a very good time...a face (and entire body) filled with dirt and sand
I am pretty dirty, eh Auntie Lorraine?
Thanks "big cousin" Dylan for showing us such a yummy good time
I can't believe how much fun I had!!

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