Monday 26 May 2014


Here is Troy enjoying the playground next to Auntie C's house.  There are usually more kids joining him (however the weather was threatening rain so perhaps their moms were able to convince them otherwise).  Troy has mastered the slide and is now working on climbing the bars...which keeps Mommy on her toes (in flip flops on gravel...ugh).

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Ice Cream

Auntie C has introduced Troy to ice cream.
Look...Auntie gave me ice a cone!
It's chocooooooolate
Licking with vengeance 
I think my tongue is frozen
Did I get a bit on my face?

Monday 12 May 2014


Troy had his first tractor ride!  Papa took him out for a spin around the yard.  He even had a chance to raise and lower the bucket.  Troy has not stopped talking about that tractor ride...especially the part about the bucket going up and down (complete with hand gestures).  Papa also always complied when Troy would ask to play downstairs...taking him by the hand and letting Troy take the :)

Look Mommy...I'm driving Papa's tractor!
Tractor Boys
Turn here, Papa?
Whoa...that's cool!!
Troy trying his hand at working the bucket
Hey, this is FUN
Ok...I need to concentrate now
Hey,'d better move
Look Mommy...Papa and I are playing cars (again) let the cars run down the ramp
And then you clap and cheer!!


Troy went to visit Gramma and Papa (Mommy was there too!).  Gramma taught him how to bake sugar cookies and egg noodles (which essentially meant letting him eat as much dough as he wanted!).  They also had a special routine of touring the house and "watering the birdie" in the laundry room.  I don't know who had more fun...Gramma or Troy...but I do know that they both slept really well :)
Getting ready to roll out the dough
Watching carefully (so is Papa!)
Can I eat it yet?
Like this, Gramma?
Taste test!
I think I'm better at eating cookies than making them
Gramma even gave me my own apron
Time to water the chickie
Here birdie, birdie, birdie
Noodle time
Can I taste the dough?
Hey where are those cookies we made?
Gramma's house is delicious