Wednesday 5 February 2014


Troy and I have been gearing up for Valentine's Day.  You can tell by the amount of red - whether it be on Troy's hands, my desk or in the laundry.  Not sure if any of his "art" or photos will make the cut...but here's a sneak preview of what we've been up to  - and some perspective on why you may receive a store-bought valentine from Troy this year :)

Hearty stamper
Not sure my heart is in this crafting stuff
It's okay Teddy...Mommy says the red bump on my head matches my red outfit
(and the red paint still left on my hands!!)
Hey you see what I see?...let's make a run for it!
Faster, Tractor...Faster!!
Not feeling the cowboy vibe either, Mommy. 
Can we just play now?

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