Monday 24 February 2014

Snow Day

Today it snowed.  Which meant we HAD to go play in it.  

It's fun to run in it!

Click to see Troy in the snow...

I think I'm stuck?
These footprints keep following me

Troy building a snow"thing"...

Troy putting the final touches on Snow "thing" with antlers
Happy Snow Day!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

K is for Kitchen

Troy is starting to recognize the alphabet.  He enjoys pointing out letters - whether they are on signs in the grocery store, on food labels or scattered on my kitchen floor!  

Hey do you spell mess?

Here are a few videos (please excuse my bad hair):

M is for Monkey
Y is for Yeesh!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Already missing Auntie C and Jude...

Auntie C and Jude went home this morning :(  We had SO much fun with them.

Making Valentines
Jude made SEVERAL for Uncle Simon
Troy decided to try his right hand
Mommy and Troy putting on the final touches
Then it was time to jump in some puddles
Auntie C and Jude enjoying the sunshine and green grass
Sharing some chippies after swimming in the pool
Hey, where did they all go??
Troy and Jude comparing their Olympic apparel
Troy sporting a tattoo
Jude and Auntie S looking "cheery"
The Olympic spirit soon "wore off"
and it was Tubby Time!!
Clean Cousins

Thursday 13 February 2014

Auntie C and Jude are here!!

Auntie Carolyn and Jude have arrived for a visit.  While they are welcoming the warm temperatures we are welcoming their company.  Troy adores Jude (or as Troy calls him...Juuuuuude) so we are looking forward to lots of play time.  Welcome Auntie C and Jude!!!

Troy "assisted" Mommy in making a welcome sign
Troy giving Jude the tour of his "fort"
The boys enjoying some urban camping
Where did Juuuuuude go?

Friday 7 February 2014

Let the Games Begin!

This morning we watched the Opening Ceremonies of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.  Troy was sporting the mitts and scarf we bought four years ago for the Olympics in Vancouver.  Back then, we never imagined that we would have our own little "Olympian" in four years - otherwise we would have bought the small mittens too :)
Troy showing his Olympic spirit
If there is ever an Olympic sport for facial injuries...Troy will surely qualify!!
(yes, that is a new scratch on his cheek)
It's hard to clap in these mitts,  Mommy?!
Troy doing his best speaker imitation
Hi Team Canada!!!!  I have the same mitts!! 
Oh Putin...
Oooooh....look at the fireworks!
Time for lunch

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Troy and I have been gearing up for Valentine's Day.  You can tell by the amount of red - whether it be on Troy's hands, my desk or in the laundry.  Not sure if any of his "art" or photos will make the cut...but here's a sneak preview of what we've been up to  - and some perspective on why you may receive a store-bought valentine from Troy this year :)

Hearty stamper
Not sure my heart is in this crafting stuff
It's okay Teddy...Mommy says the red bump on my head matches my red outfit
(and the red paint still left on my hands!!)
Hey you see what I see?...let's make a run for it!
Faster, Tractor...Faster!!
Not feeling the cowboy vibe either, Mommy. 
Can we just play now?

Monday 3 February 2014


Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday.  There is nothing more exciting than watching the big game with friends (not to mention eating yummy food)...except when your FAVORITE team is playing in it!!!  Yes, our Seattle Seahawks were set to play the Denver Broncos in what promised to be a close match-up.  The morning was spent anticipating the game, making sure a good nap was had (by all) and then off to our friends Brett and Tara's house.  Brett is huge NFL fan and loves a good what better place to be.  They also have a daughter, Allie, who kept Troy entertained - which meant we could actually watch the game :)   Turns out the Seahawks crushed the Broncos (YAY) and Troy had lots of opportunity for his favorite saying "GO HAWK".

Drawing up the game plan
My plan is looking rather complicated
I'm chalking this one up to a win!
Hey like football too?
Time to put on my team colours!  GO HAWK!!
Now that's what I call a party hat
Hey Allie, can you dip me a chip?
Going in for a touchdown
Oh no...looks like I'm going to get tackled
Anyone else up for some touch football?
Hey?  Where did all the snacks go?
Yum...found some more!
Best seat in the house
Superbowl Champions  43-8