Monday 12 August 2013


The Rustler's "Maiden Voyage" was to Parksville for a few days of camping on the beach.  The weather was hot  -  thankfully, the fridge and air conditioning in the Rustler worked perfectly!  It was extra-special to share the journey with Auntie C and Jude. 

Trailer Park Boys
Mommy, are we here?
Camping is awesome!
so is playing with Auntie and Jude
while Daddy cooks supper
Good thing Mommy brought the high chair!
Casa Bakker serving up some Tacos
We ate outside too!
Troy slept really well...probably thanks to playing at the beach all day
Auntie...I'm building my first sandcastle...
I think it turned out pretty well?
Beach boy
I only ate a few mouthfuls of sand
Then I cooled off with Daddy in the water park
and blew bubbles with Mommy
Daddy and I going for a walk in the morning...EARLY in the morning
Early birds get the beach to themselves!
Mommy...can we have breakfast now?
All camped out on the drive home

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