Friday 30 August 2013

Happy B-day Auntie P

Tomorrow is Auntie Patty's birthday.  Since we are leaving today to go camping, we are sending her Birthday wishes early.  Mommy has learned a lot in the last year, since Auntie's last birthday photo shoot (here is the post.)  You will notice that we've simplified the birthday message to one page - but the sentiment remains the same...we love you Auntie Patty!!  (clearly enough to attempt this photo shoot...again)

What does this say, Mommy?
Hold it like this?
Now face the camera
How's this? 
What do you mean there is no birthday cake?

Monday 26 August 2013

Stepping Out

Troy reached another milestone on our visit in Taber...he started WALKING!   Yes, he is completely mobile now and doesn't complain when Mommy tries to put shoes on he knows that means he gets to go outside and romp around.
Out for a walk on the gulley
Papa lending me a hand

Here's a short video of Troy walking in Gramma's kitchen:

First Haircut

We convinced Auntie Patty to give Troy his first hair cut.  She did a great job (considering Troy was not all that willing to part with his mullet!).  Thanks for being brave, Auntie Patty!!

What do you mean I need a haircut?
You think this is too long in the back??
I guess it will be okay...since I get to hold this big brush and wear the superhero cape!
I'm having second thoughts?
Not too much off the top, please
Auntie Patty, you're my number one hair dresser
sans mullet

Me 'n' My Cousins

My BIG cousins came to visit me.  I loved spending time with them.  Mommy says she remembers playing with all of them when they were my age! 
Bailey and Sammy
Giving Zach the walking tour
Gramma made us fresh donuts!
Mommy and Bailey added the glaze
You can't get fresher than this
Everyone enjoyed the donuts.  We stopped counting how many we had!
Reading with Zach
Kyle built me the best towers...that I enjoyed knocking over...and over...and over...
Kyle even pushed me on my tryke
Kyle also showed me which trucks are cool
Doing some grocery shopping with Kyle, Auntie Patty and Laura

Taber Times

We had so much fun visiting with family in Taber.  We shared lots of laughs and made many memories.  Here are some pics to show the good times...

Troy and Sammy enjoyed putting hand prints (and nose prints) on all of Gramma's windows
Gramma makes the best cookies
Auntie C gave me Jude's lil''s awesome!! 
I didn't even mind when Sammy kept licking my hands
The handle on the back means Papa didn't have to bend his back...yay!
Enjoying Gramma's stories
Checking out the pivot across the road from Gramma and Papa's yard
That's one big sprinkler
The corn is even taller than my Daddy
Gramma and Papa and their lil' corn cob
Taber Corn is YUMMY
Gramma and Papa's gulley
Did Papa say there was a snake?
YUP...but, it's not very big (and not alive)
Our guard dog, Sammy
Out walking with Daddy and Papa
Time for MORE cookies
Mommy and Gramma playing scrabble
Papa putting up a new flag
Hanging out poolside
Troy showing his "sign language" for happiness
Even Sammy enjoyed a sip
Measuring up Gramma
Concentration required
Papa...will you show me your tractor now?
Steering the way
Shifting gears
Raising the bucket
Blowing kisses to Gramma