Monday 5 November 2012

Growing Up

Troy is almost 5 months old...and growing up fast!  He is already started on solids and even took his first drink from a glass.  (yes, it was a shot glass...all the baby books say to use one!).  He continues to get longer, stronger and more agile.  He rolls over easily now and I often find him "sideways" in his crib!

Troy also graduated to the big tub!  Well, sort of.  I put the little tub in the big tub, as I couldn't bring myself to put him right in the big tub...quite yet.  This way he can splash all he wants.

See for yourself...

first shooter!
Now reaching from head (including spiky hair) to toe on the crib pad
for comparison sake!
rolling around in his crib
playing footsie with capt. calamari
Hey...shouldn't I be in the big tub?
another comparison...Troy's first bath in the hospital
yup...I'm a big boy!

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