Friday 30 November 2012

Here comes the rain again...

Well it is a good thing that Troy and I took advantage of the beautiful weather when we did...because it is over!  It is raining (hard) today and is forecast to be much more of the same for many more days.  Troy is also suffering from his first cold (UGH) and he cut his first tooth (double UGH), so today will be spent resting (for both of us, since he was up all night!).  I attempted to get a photo of the new tooth (bottom, front) but he was already fed up with me trying to clean out his goopy eye and fish out his boogers.  However, he maintains a smiley face throughout it all - what a trooper - so unlike his dad when he is sick (hee hee).

Here is Troy enjoying the sound of the rain...

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Bakker and Baker

There has been a rare break in the weather...sunny days in a row!  This means that my "lil sunshine" and I get out for a walk at every opportunity.  Yesterday there was an incredible view of Mount Baker (sadly spelled with only one 'k').  My iphone camera could not capture you'll have to imagine a majestic snow-capped mountain directly above the blue mountains in line with Troy. 

still awake...but getting sleepy!
Mount Baker (photographed by someone else with a better camera!)

Sunday 25 November 2012

Daddy's boy

The moment we found out we were having a boy, I remember the look on Simon's face...pure elation!  That look remains today - and everyday.  Troy also gets the same huge grin whenever he sees his daddy (not to mention all the giggles!).   Oh my boys...I love them so.

eskimo kisses
pinching daddy's cheeks
brown eyes to brown eyes

giggling with daddy

Seeing Green

Believe it or not (you Albertans!) but things are still very green around here!  Am I rubbing it in?  (well maybe).

Rainbow Connection (kermit is green...get it?)

Daddy mowing the lawn...
while Mommy takes Troy out for a walk
Troy trying "very green" peas for the first time

Friday 23 November 2012

Happy Birthday Gramma!

Today is Gramma Annie's birthday and Troy woke up ready to party - ringing Captain Calamari's rattle!  I told him that he has to save all of his "celebrating" for a few more weeks until we see Gramma.  He can't wait to enjoy Gramma's cuddles and rough-housing!  


Gramma is snuggly (and so are the blankies she sewed for me)
She has a good shoulder to sleep on (and undoubtedly cry on too!)
Now that I'm bigger...I get to play with Gramma.  She's a tickler!
Can't wait to see you soon Gramma (and find out what's cooking in your kitchen!)

Thursday 22 November 2012

Good Napper

I joked during my pregnancy that Troy was going to be born a good napper...because I would have a nice long 2-hour nap everyday (during renovations!)...sleeping through construction noise, no problem!  As it turns out, Troy did inherit the nap gene.  His longest nap is in the afternoon, especially if Mommy lays down with him :)

sacked out (arms overhead) 
favorite spot for "mommy and me" naps
waking up happy with "sleepy eyes" 
now what, mommy?
ready for another nap with Oma (she came for a visit yesterday)

Sunday 18 November 2012

Yoga with Troy

Troy has discovered his toes.  And, like everything new he encounters...they must go in his mouth!  We call it Troy's "nose to toes" yoga (do not attempt unless you have the flexibility of an infant and clean feet!).
an advantage to long legs
toe in nose
it's hard being a baby yogi

Crib DIY

Gone are the days when I could leave Troy in his crib and return to find him in the exact same spot, quietly gurgling away.  These days, I come back to Troy completely rearranging (ie: tearing apart) his crib - squealing in delight!
doing the crib "burrito"
how do you like what I've done with the place?
it's a work in progress
the decorator is exhausted (and in need of a diaper change!)

Auntie C spoils me...

Auntie Carolyn is an expert online shopper.  She has been busy getting her holiday shopping done.  When she purchased some clothes for Troy (for Christmas) she didn't realize he was growing at a pace that may outgrow the new outfits she bought.  So, she mailed them to Troy so he could enjoy them now!  The pajamas are organic cotton, and soooooo soft and cuddly.  The striped romper is a hit with the adorable knotted hood.  Thanks Auntie C...can't wait to show you in person in December (if they still fit!)

super snuggly
Daddy, save me from mommy and her camera!
the only one who can get away with horizontal stripes
knotty but nice

Thursday 15 November 2012

Baby Bullet

Since Troy has mastered the art of eating rice cereal, it is time to move on to some other starter foods - like banana, avocado, pears, peas, squash and sweet potato.  With the help of the new "baby bullet" blender, Troy is enjoying banana this week.

Hey...I'm in my new high chair, does this mean I get food?

Put it here Mommy...HERE!

Where is it?

right HERE Mommy! I getting ANY food?

the Baby Bullet ensemble

happy bananas

Tuesday 13 November 2012


Our little red couch (nicknamed "ol squeaky") was retired to the sunroom this make room for our new IKEA couch.  I must admit that Rosie at add2cart makes IKEA shopping so easy (maybe a little too easy!)  All I had to do was submit my order online and it was delivered to our door.  Of course there is assembly required, but Simon is now a pro at IKEA assembling!

The new couch is large enough for all of us to stretch out and not even reach each other!  There will be lots of family time in our cosy living room, for sure.

can you spot all the IKEA items?
the slip covers are all washable...which I'm sure will come in handy

Five Months

Troy turned five-months-old on the weekend.  He really is growing up fast and changing daily. Here are some photos documenting some of the changes:

wearing 9-12 month clothes
getting much stronger on his belly
enjoying the "knock over the blocks" game (his hands are never still!)
sitting in his new high chair
his first jolly-jump

looking even taller when he's upright!
mommy finally got rid of the baby tub!!  hopefully he won't outgrow this tub too soon :)
is it time to eat again mommy??