Sunday 16 April 2017

Easter Treats

The Easter Bunny did indeed arrive...and he left a trail of goodies!

I think I need to try one of these chocolates

Here goes!

Yummmm....chocolate for breakfast

Dipping Day

Troy has coined the term "Dipping Day" for Easter egg colouring.  Once again we enjoyed dipping day with Auntie C and Jude :)

The Easter Campers are out again

Bear in his seasonal garb

Let the dipping begin!

Big and lil' dippers

Jude making a masterpiece

Is it ready yet???

getting some egg-spert help 

watch the action ....

Daddy cracked one :(

All ready for the Easter Bunny

Monday 20 February 2017

Happy Family Day

As the old saying goes...the family that...CLEANS together...errrrr...celebrates Family Day together??

Daddy and Troy dusting

Troy vacuuming the carpet - notice his headphones
(protecting his hearing - safety first!)

Watch Troy in action...

Happy Family the Bakkers!

Monday 13 February 2017

Throwback Monday...

I know, I have probably even stopped checking Troy's blog since I haven't posted anything since 2016!  School has been keeping me busy, and the days just don't seem long enough.  However, when I was going through some old files (to update my resume) I found some videos of Troy when he was a baby.

I bet you won't be able to stop giggling, yourself...when you watch this one!