Tuesday 15 November 2016

Papa's Party

We had such a great time helping Papa celebrate his 80th birthday...

The party crew (not sure why daddy looks so sour?)

Auntie Patty made the most delicious "pattycake" for Papa

Papa lighting up his cake

All sparkly! Except for the black burn mark,
from the sparklers, on gramma's new tablecloth (whoopsie!!)

putting out the fire

80 looks real good on Papa :)

Can we eat the cake, now??

Monday 7 November 2016

Happy 80th Birthday Papa!!

Today is Papa's birthday.  Troy drew a special picture for Papa - of the both of them.  Notice the birthday balloons (yes, that is what the floating orbs with the squiggle strings are).  Can't wait to celebrate with you on the weekend, Papa!! Troy is looking forward to helping you blow out all those candles:)

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Trick or Treat!

Halloween 2016 was a success: Troy was a "master" trick-or-treater and all of our 100 treat bags were handed out!
Master Chief ready for his mission

A final wardrobe check

Master Chief with his very cute co-treaters

This house looks promising!
