Sunday 19 June 2016

Daddy and the Great Outdoors

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!  Troy and Daddy had some "boy time" last week.  They went camping together (while Mommy went to see Auntie Patty).  It looks like they had lots of fun :)

Troy painted this for Daddy
All ready for camping, Daddy!!
Right after I have a nap....zzzzzzzz
All set up
We got a spot right on the river!
Fit for a Superhero!
Time for TMNT bubbles, Daddy?
You're right Daddy, the bubble wand works way better
So, what's for supper, Daddy?
I guess I"m going to have to catch dinner!
Here fishy, fishy, fishy....
I'm going to cast this one way out there
Hmmmm....they're not biting?
So glad you packed the hot dogs!
Two thumbs up on supper, Daddy!
Time for the fire dance
Did it work?
Good morning!!
Brrrr...I could use some of that campfire this morning
Hiking on the beaver trail
Sliding down the hills
Looks like the beaver has been here!
Time to build some lego
Assembling the truck
and digger
Ready for some construction work
Caught in a cattle drive on the way home
Bye, bye Elbow Falls...see you again!

Friday 17 June 2016

Party 4 Troy

Troy's 4th Birthday was "wheelie" great.  Friends and family joined us at the "racetrack" (in the backyard) for a an afternoon of fun and games...and cake :)

Troy welcoming guests to his "race car" party
Troy's many fans turned out for the party
His toys were a hit too :)
Playing balloon tennis in the garage
Where did that balloon go??
Got it!!
Time for birthday cake!!
Daddy trying to get the cake to the table before the wind blows out the candles!

Maya and David helped me with my cake
Time for presents!
Inspecting things closely
Lots to unwrap!
Good thing David is here to help me!
Daddy helped me open the cards
He had to read them to me too :)
Daan and David are good at helping me with the unwrapping
OOOOOH....look, it's Lego!
David thought it was pretty cool too 
Taking Maya for a drive in my car

Daddy joined us too!

Maya "chauffeuring" Murray and Auntie C 

Auntie C and Jude
David driving solo
Laura and Levi
Marcel and Daan
My next door neighbours, Pat and Bill, came for a ride

Jillene, Declan and Kade
The Sterling family on a road trip
Gramma and Papa came for a ride too!
Winding down the party with Kade
All partied out

Gifts for my friends
Hope they had as much fun as I did !
Being four is awesome!!