Sunday 27 March 2016

Egg-citing Easter

The Easter Bunny came!!  Troy managed to find all the eggs that were hidden...but had less success trying to peel the coloured eggs.  Oh well...that's what chocolate is for :)

"sleepy-eyed" Egg Hunter with his haul
Checking out the treat basket
Okay said I could have a treat if I put these ears on?! 
Time to help Mommy peel the eggs
Easter is a smash hit!!

Saturday 26 March 2016

Getting Dippy

Auntie C and Jude joined us for Easter Egg decorating festivities.  This year we used liquid dyes (including some sent to us from Hungary!).  It was fun to be creative and try using different combinations and techniques.  Bring on the Easter Bunny :)

The Hungarian dye packets
All ready to go!
Is it done yet?
Okay, I'll dip it a bit more
Daddy and Jude working together
What does yours look like, Auntie?
Jude waiting patiently
Helping hands :)
Dipsy Doodles
The colours turned out nice and bright
Is it blue enough??
Trying out the elastic band effect
Needs a bit more
There is a lot of waiting involved :(
Mommy was dipping eggs too
Happy Dippers
Troy the inspector
Some of the finished product
All ready for the Easter Bunny :)

Monday 21 March 2016

First Day of Spring!

Well, if the first day of Spring is any indication of what the rest of it will be like...we are in luck!!  It was so warm and sunny that Troy was down to his underwear by the end of the afternoon :)

Sipping fruity beverages in the backyard
It's already flip-flop weather!

Time to dance!!

Boy of Spring :)

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Fits like a glove...

Troy explores some creative options for a baseball glove...

Suits him, yes?

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Happy Birthday Oma

It's Oma's birthday today!  Troy was hoping that Oma "would be living at my house" for her birthday.  I'm guessing it is because that would mean some cake :)  Although, I am sure that he would also enjoy playing all the fun Oma games too!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA!!

Friday 11 March 2016

Sleeping Beauty

Is there anything more beautiful than a sleeping child? that sleeps in his own bed :)

All tucked in with teddy
Lulled on the left side
Switching over to the right side
A sign of a good sleep...pillow marks :)

Spring Training

The warm Spring weather has brought out the "warmer" and baseball!

Check out my soccer cleats!
And, I always have someone to play with...
My shadow!!

In the swing of things

Lil' Slugger

Sunday 6 March 2016

Growing up

There are many signs of Troy "growing up" these days.  Probably, the biggest one...he is now sleeping in his own bed!!  Troy is also outgrowing his clothes (already wearing size 4 and 5) and the swings at the playground!
Looking little in his big boy bed
I don't think I fit in this swing anymore?!
Yup...definitely stuck
Am I big enough to get a job, yet?
Troy's coordination hasn't quite caught up with his growing legs...
at least when it comes to his "ballet" dancing  :)