Monday 29 February 2016

Name a Puppy Contest

The RCMP have put a call out for names for their new service dog puppies.   The names must start with the letter "J".  We had three contenders (you can only submit one name per child).  Jet, Jedi and Jagger.  Troy chose Jagger...and included some colouring (trying to impress the judges, I suppose?) and we mailed it off.  Now, we have to wait until April until they pick the winning names.  Don't don't win a puppy (phew!!)...just the bragging rights :)
Troy and his submission
Ready for the mailbox
I think it's a winner!

Make-Do House

"Make-do" makes cardboard house building a breeze. (Okay, that may be an overstatement...considering this house took Mommy and Daddy a couple of hours to construct).  However, Troy enjoys having his own little place to himself  - and that means Mommy and Daddy have their own house to themselves ...well worth it, indeed :)

Troy's house
Troy hosting his housewarming party

Saturday 27 February 2016

Flakey weather

Yesterday it was 17 degrees...and was snowing - giant snowflakes!  Welcome to spring in Alberta :)

Hey Mommy...look at those huge snowflakes.  Let's go outside!!

Fetching flakes

Saturday 20 February 2016

Trail riding

Troy hit the trail today...on his bike.  I am sure Troy is going to enjoy riding his bike even more when he doesn't have to wear his snow pants and mittens :)

Ready to roll
Let's race Daddy!

I am in the lead!

Making a stop to play with the last of the ice

Chowing down

This post is for Gramma...who is convinced that Troy never eats.  Well, here is proof.  (Now, I am sure she is going to ask why he isn't wearing a shirt!  It was because he was too warm from running around the house - working up that appetite)

Time for a Haircut

You know it's time for Troy to get a haircut when Mommy starts putting accessories in his hair :)

Barrette for his bangs
Yes...he asked for "blue" hair  (not to worry it washed right out!)

Self portrait

Troy was practicing writing his name, when he decided that he needed to "illustrate" himself.
I think I will add a drawing
Stunning resemblance :)