Tuesday 24 November 2015


Troy made the community newsletter!  He was this month's "cavity-free" winner at our dentist's office.  He was thrilled (more than he looks in the photo) to receive an awesome airplane toy as well :)  Hopefully it will keep him brushing!

Friday 13 November 2015

I Lava You

Last week when Auntie Carolyn was visiting...she showed Troy one of her favorite animated short films about a volcano.  Now, Troy doesn't stop asking for it!!  He loves to sing along...and he knows quite a few of the words already (the rest he just "improvises" on).  Here is the link to the video clip.  Then, watch Troy's version :)

Monkey Business

Thank you Gramma for my Monkey Hat!!  It is perfect for keeping me warm...and it doesn't blow off in the wind (which was very important during the chinook today :)

lil' monkey
Still able to find EVERY puddle

Let's go for a swing

Taking a break from moneky'in around
What do you mean it is time to go home?!

Monday 9 November 2015

The weather outside

We had our first snowfall (of this year) today.  So, of course, Troy HAD to go play in it :)  I soon remembered how much "fun" it is to get Troy dressed in snow pants, snow boots, hat and mittens!!  Hard to think it was only yesterday we were were out in our fall gear (see pics below).   

Troy and Snow buddy

Ready for a snowball fight, Mommy?
I'll catch it
These mittens are useless
Trekking in the playground yesterday
Rock climbing
King of the rock castle

Saturday 7 November 2015

Best Papa - Hands Down!

Today is Papa's Birthday - and he came to our house for a visit!  So, of course I had to make him one of my "hand-made" cards.  I can't wait to help him blow out the candles (the real ones :)

First, Mommy paints my hand with lots of colours
Then I have to spread my fingers apart, like a high-five
And then we "smoosh" it on the card
And, voila!!  another "troy-hand" creation
Mommy just added a few embellishments
One-of-a-kind...just like my Papa!!

Time for birthday treats
Helping Papa blow out the candles
no girlfriends :)

Happy Birthday Papa (from Captain America...and Troy!)

Sunday 1 November 2015

Captain America

Let's just say Troy has enjoyed being Captain America far more than the "owl" last year. Okay...that's an understatement...he CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT!  In fact, he was dressed in his costume (boots and all!) at 7:00 am on the morning of Halloween.  He wore the costume all day...only taking it off to put clothes on underneath instead of pajamas. Needless to say it was a loooooong day (for both of us!).

Troy spent the day looking outside to see if it was "dark yet" and practicing his Captain America trick or treat moves :)  Finally, when it was time to go out...he was READY!  It was fun to watch him bravely go up to each door (even the scary ones) and try and reach the door bells.  It took a bit longer when he had to stop and check out everyone's decorations (yes, I take full blame for that :)

It was a fun Halloween - and I was counting on that extra hour of sleep afterwards, however, I don't think kids understand Daylight Savings Time (sigh).  So, I am now posting the blog at an early hour while Troy is fully dressed as Captain America (AGAIN)...even though I had hidden his costume in his closet...BOOOO!!

Is it time to go Trick or Treating yet???
Not yet? 
What's a Super Hero to do?
I will practice running up and down the street!
And, my fierce Super Hero stance!
Oh spider pumpkin...waiting is hard, isn't it?
But I hear the candy is worth it! 
I am going to fill this bag
C'mon Mommy...enough pictures already!
This house looks promising
Look at the great decorations, Mommy
My bag is getting heavy
Trick or Treating is awesome!!!
Time to check out my haul
I waited all day for you :)
Lollipop, prepare to be eaten
Best Day EVER!!