Tuesday 31 March 2015

Hoppin' down the bunny trail...

Easter's on it's way!!  That means Mommy has dug out the bunny ears and easter decorations.  Troy is practicing his bunny hop and hopscotch...and creating seasonal artwork in chalk and marker.  Can't wait to colour eggs with Auntie C and Jude this Friday!!

All ears
hippity hoppity

Chalk walk
Hop-scotchin' with Maya
Maya "scotching" (that is what she calls it :)
C'mon Maya...you're almost there!!
Easter bunny and chickie hanging out in their deck chairs in front of their egg camper
Gramma made us these adorable finger puppets
Mommy found the foam camper at the craft store (some assembly required!!)
Troy coloured this all by himself - he's getting better at staying in the lines
(well, identifying that there are lines at least :)

Out like a lamb

Happy to report that March is indeed going out like a lamb (after roaring in like a lion).  To celebrate, Troy found his lamb costume (fitting a bit smaller compared to the last time he wore it) and pulled out a few "roarish" (and burpy) Baaahhh's.


not so Lil' Lambchop
Like my ears?
bit sheepish

Saturday 28 March 2015

The Zoo

Craig and Jasper are visiting with us.  Yesterday we checked out the Zoo!

Hey Penguin...wanna turkey bite?
Emperor Penguins
Rockhopper Penguin
Watching the penguins dive
(These dinosaurs were animated...they moved and roared)
Daddy...I think he needs to go to the dentist!
That Dino is pretty big!
I think I'll stick with you Dad
Jasper and Craig...and momma T-Rex
That's close enough Daddy!!!
Are the Dinosaurs coming??
Let's make a break for it
Hey...where did you get that Turkey Bite?
Jasper...you are so much fun :)
More dinos
Those dinos aren't real, are they??
Monkey'in around with the gorillas
On safari with Daddy
Sleeping porcupines

The Lion
What?!  It's time to go?
Playing the bongos in the giftshop (at least we could tell where Troy was!!)
Some ice cream before we go
All done!!

Monday 23 March 2015

Wheel'in at the Gulley

This weekend we parked the Rustler at the Gulley (Thanks to Papa for arranging a parking spot). While Mommy and Daddy polished up the fifth wheel, Troy was on his own set of wheels...the quad!!

TECHNICAL NOTE:  Unfortunately in order to view the YouTube videos you will need to use Google's Chrome browser (SHEESH!!)  Here is a link to download it.

Ready to Rustle!

Here is Troy driving the quad...

Monday 16 March 2015

Gramma and Papa Sleepover

Papa and Gramma came to visit...and we had a sleepover!  That meant Troy had lots of time to play with them :)
Troy teaching Gramma how to play the matching game
Showing Gramma how to choo choo
Papa taking a turn at the remote control truck
Thanks for coming to my house Papa :)


Troy has a new playmate...Maya.  She lives just a few doors down and she was born 10 days before Troy - so they are very close in age...and "play-ability" (which means they both are learning how to play without pushing, throwing snowballs at faces and stomping on each other's snow castles :)

p.s. I apologize for the poor picture quality...my iphone camera lens must needs some cleaning!

Building a snowman together
Troy put all the rock "buttons" on himself
Must find more rocks!
Troy gave up his bowl..for the hat
They decided that the snow "mommy" needed a "baby"
Troy gave the hat a snow "pom pom"
Strolling the street hand in hand
New best friends