Tuesday 24 February 2015

Walking...er...Running with Troy

The days of leisurely walks with Troy in the stroller have officially ended.  He now only lasts about 10 minutes and then starts squirming to "get out".  Once he is freed, he is off - running!  Here is part of this morning's "stroll"...

Monday 23 February 2015


Troy and Daddy checked out some motorbikes on the weekend.
I'm using the throttle...but it's not revving?!
I don't think this one works...it's not going anywhere??
Oh...we're just posing for photos...okay...is this my good side?
I think this helmet might be a bit big?


Here is Troy doing a very "quiet" version of Pat-a-cake...turn up your volume :)

Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy E-Valentine's Day

If you are still waiting by your mailbox for your Valentine from Troy...you can stop now...because Mommy did not get organized enough this year to send them!!  I had full intentions of getting things all ready before our vacation so that I could mail them upon our return.  Alas...all I managed to get done was a few pics which I am posting as Troy's E-Valentines :)  xoxoxoxoxo

Holding out my heart for you
Handful of love
Are you there, Valentine?
I love you!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Island Getaway

We just returned from a week of holidays on Vancouver Island.  It was so much fun seeing our Island friends and family.  This was Troy's first flight with his own seat...but he ended up on our laps most of the time :)
Is our plane here yet?
I get my own seat...by the window!
I even know how to open and close my seatbelt...which meant it rarely stayed closed :)
Uncle Kurt had sooooo many cars to play with
He even had an ipad with fun games!
Uncle Scott read me stories
Alper played the guitar...just for me
High-five Alper!!
Here is my girlfriend, Allie
 (I can even overlook her choice in NFL teams because she is so cute)
Playing hungry hungry hippos with Eduardo
Eating my fifth Oreo cookie during the big game (I don't think anyone noticed!)
Daddy is still happy...it must have been early in the game 
Eduardo was fun to play with
Especially in Allie's room

It sure rains ALOT here

But it also means LOTS of puddles to jump in

Where are the fishies, Oma?

I think they swam away?

Some pre-bedtime Gruffalo with Oma
Playing with kids (and learning to share)
Trying out the ukulele
Watching a movie
Meeting the newest member of the Bakker family...Clara Rose
She is so cute...and little
Drawing with Oma (because it was raining too hard outside)
I graduated to painting!
What do you think, Mommy?
It needs more yellow
And red...
Did I overwork it Oma?
Yeah....it got a bit muddy
Oh well...it's a "rainy day" masterpiece
Snuggling with Daddy
Reading a book with Jackson
Yeah...he likes me...
Another rainy day...but our hotel had a pool...and a great view of the harbour
The only bit of sunshine we saw...and it only lasted a few minutes!

Can we go back to the pool now?

The Inner Harbour
A view across to where we used to live

Our old condo is right here!

Hangin' with Daddy after another swim
Powering up with a squeezee

Going home