Wednesday 7 January 2015


Here is Troy singing the ABC's in the tubby...

Winter Playground

We did manage to get out of our pajamas the Chinook arrived and it warmed up nicely for a venture out to the playground.  Troy loves to play in the snow - mostly rolling in it :)

Snow Fallin'
Half Snow-Angel
Snow jump

Here is Troy walking/falling in the snow...

Doing a little "boogie" on the snowboogie

Swingin' on the "Big Boy" swing...
because Troy doesn't fit in the baby ones with snow pants on!!
Snow slide!

Sunset at the playground

Licks 'n' Lego

Troy enjoyed two of his favorite things this morning - helping Mommy bake (which means licking the beaters) and playing Lego...all while still in pajamas :)

Do I have chocolate on my face?
Oh well
I'm going in for more!!
Troy's train table doubles as a lego building centre
Piecing it all together
Building a tower (to knock over!)
Taking a squeezee break

Tuesday 6 January 2015


It was Uncle Scott's birthday on the weekend...and we helped him celebrate (and blow out the candles!).  It was nice to hear all about their Hawaiian vacation - the thoughts of warmer climes helped us forget about how cold it was outside :)  We also spent the weekend taking down our Christmas decorations - but we weren't ready to part with our tree...just yet.  So, we put it up on our deck outside.  We joked that it will be the only large tree we will see in our backyard for awhile!  

Now it is time to get back to doing the hula with Troy.  (Yes, we need to get very creative on these cold days).

Only three candles?
Okay, Uncle Scott....let's do this!
Team effort
Uncle Scott, Auntie Lorraine, Bailey, Zach and Dylan enjoying a Luau in Maui

Our Christmas Tree outdoors

All "decked" out with snow