Thursday 31 December 2015

Declan's Skating Party

My friend, Declan, turned 4...and he invited me to his skating party!!

C'mon Daddy, I'll show you how to play hockey
All you need is a stick
A stick that is twice your size!
Here!  Pass it here!
Time to warm up by the fire
And share some snacks with my pal, Declan
Yes...we are sporting matching animal hats :)
Partying in the great outdoors
Back on the ice
Okay Declan...let's talk strategy
How about we relax for a bit?
Hey...did somebody say birthday cake?!
they did!  they did!
Declan blowing out his candle
Time for presents!
Where is that cake, Daddy?
Partying till the sun goes down :)
Time for a few last shots
Sunset arena

Monday 28 December 2015

Festive Family Feast

The Christmas "feast" was at our house this year...and feasting we did!!  It was so much fun (and delicious) to enjoy everyone's company (and delectable dishes).

Gift exchange
Working up an appetite for dinner?
Papa carving the big bird
Time to feast (again)

Will someone drop me some turkey already?!

Troy, the red-nosed reindeer
Santa Loo-Loo-La and her elf
Merry and bright :)
Kyle, the snowman and Elfin Troy
Hey...Kyle...check out Pacha's outfit?
Pacha looking very intellectual
Zach and Allison under the mistletoe
Troy getting in on the action

Christmas Morning

Santa came!!  And, I must have been a good boy...because he brought presents!!

Stockings stuffed and presents under the tree

Hey Daddy...are those all for me?
Opening stockings first
Even Daddy's stocking was full of goodies
And, Mommy's too!
Look!  Hot Wheels!!
On to the presents this a toy gun?
It is!!
I can't wait to try it out!
Hmmm....what's in this one?
Another one, Daddy?
It's a motorbike!!!
More unwrapping
The aftermath
Testing out all the toys
Building lego with Daddy
Thank you Santa!!  (by the way, are you still watching??)