Monday 27 October 2014

Gearing up for Halloween

The pumpkins are carved, the decorations are hung and the candy has been bought (and carefully hidden to be saved from consumption) so the Bakkers are ready for Halloween!! Troy is not loving his costume as much as he did last year - but there is hope that he will concede on Halloween eve (fingers crossed!!)
Jude and Auntie C joined us to carve pumpkins
Cleaning out the pumpkins
Troy was happy to just watch (and eat marshmallows)

Time to "test out" the pumpkins in the dark
The monsters are back in the windows!
Spooky fun
Ready for trick-or-treaters!!

Trekking in Taber

It was a warm (and pleasantly NOT windy) day in Taber - so it was perfect for a trek through the park in the river bottom.

Are you sure you know where you're going Gramma??
I think it's this way, Papa.
My rattlesnake stick
Let's go to the playground Papa!
Hmmm...where is it??
Digging in the sandbox
What a great "tree fort"

In Training

How is potty training going you ask?  Welllll....we have the potty, we have the special "potty-time only" books, we have the Thomas the Train pull-up diapers, we have the cute undies...but we have yet to have success.  However, we continue to have hope :)
Reading in the buff
Choosing undies
I think I like the big potty better
Hey, I think something might be happening?!
Nope...false alarm

Take me Outside

Troy loves to be outside - especially with Daddy.

Hey Daddy...the leaves are turning yellow!
Hey, the sun is bright!
Daddy's giving me a lift
Hangin' with Daddy

I'm the king of the castle (you're the dirty rascal)!!
Yes...I still refuse to wear shoes and socks on my walks :)

Head Start

Troy was "using his head" at the break a fall from the climbing wall.  The gravel proved to be less than soft for a landing - but it hasn't stopped him from continuing to play on the equipment (even in his own alternative ways!).

The scene of the "crime"
Ready, set, GO.....
Yes...this IS how Troy plays on it
Gravel-ly forehead
Smiley and Scratchy