Saturday 21 June 2014


Troy turned two.  To celebrate we had a hot dog party with Auntie C and Jude.  (editors note: Troy's birthday was June 11 and that is when we had the party.  However, we moved into our new home the next this blog post has been delayed due to the unpacking of boxes.  We are settling in and I hope to keep the blog updated more regularly)

I'm two! (and I finally got a haircut)
Time to decorate for the party.
Where should this balloon go?
I know...this haircut makes me look at least three :)
Auntie C is helping me show "two" on my fingers (I prefer to add 1+1)
Everyone shows us your "two"
This coconut cupcake looks delicious
What?! I have to wait until the candles get lit? 
Jude is showing me how to blow out my candles
Now it's my turn...all by myself??
pheee phew 
It's not working, is it? 
The candles are melting on my cupcakes!
Try, try again
It worked!
Can we eat them now?
Thanks Jude for showing me the birthday ropes...can't wait for your birthday party!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Do I Need a Haircut?

Chances are if Mommy can put your hair in a pony tail (and you are a boy)'s time for a haircut!  Here is Troy enjoying himself in front of the mirror (seated comfortably in the bathroom sink) with a few hair accessories.  Rest assured...the haircut has been booked :)

Troy in his "up do"
What!?  You think a hairband and a pony tail is one accessory too many?
Maybe I need some bangs...
Oh that's what I call a hairdo ponytail needs backcombing
Hey this comb is also good to chew on!