Thursday 27 March 2014

Spring-ing into Action

Spring is here.  Time to put away the winter gear!  This jacket was too big last year and is already a bit small this year...oh well, Troy doesn't seem to notice.  He just loves running and running - and having Mommy chase him (yeesh).
Hello Springtime
On guard!
Hey, the trees are blossoming
Looking here...
and everywhere!

  C'mon Mommy...keep up with me

Monday 17 March 2014

That time again!

It was time for Troy to get his hair cut.  His bangs were getting long enough to start bothering him (and Mommy!).  So, Auntie Aysha agreed to do it again (if Troy promised not to cry).  Well, there were a few tears...but not as many as the last time - so it's progress!  Here are Troy's "selfies" that show the "before" and "after"...
Look at these bangs!
Happy to be all trimmed up

Friday 7 March 2014

Clean Sweep

Troy decided to do some spring cleaning today.  He swept the driveway...up and down...side to side...even making sure the bushes were swept.

little boy, big broom
Getting swept up

Dough Boy

What do we do on the days when the weather keeps us indoors??  We play trucks, read books and bake something yummy!  Troy has totally caught on that the dough is just as good (if not better!) than waiting until the cookies are baked.

Ode to the Swing

It finally happened.  The cherished swing swung for the last time...well, snapped, is more like it.  Truth be told, the swing had been very "squeaky" of late...and with Troy's added weight (plus winter clothing) we knew the end would be near.  So, during one of our daily swings (while singing songs to drown out the squeaks) one of the ropes broke (insert gasps here).  Since the other rope was still intact...and Troy was fitting "snugly" in the swing...he simply bobbled to the side a bit until I caught him.  In fact, he seemed to enjoy it!!  The only reason I had taken a picture, moments before the incident, was to show Auntie C that Troy had picked out one of Jude's hats to wear that day...kismet.

the final swing
We have so many fond memories of the swing.  You couldn't walk by the swing without Troy begging to go on it!  When I was looking for a picture of Troy's first swing...I was shocked at how little he looked (or maybe how BIG he looks now!).

the first swing
I found a video too....

I'm going to miss you, swing....