Tuesday 29 October 2013

Halloween Handful

Troy created some "hand-made" Halloween cards this year.  They were a very "limited edition" (limited by his attention span and Mommy's patience) so if you didn't receive one in the mail...please accept this as your online version :)

Mommy, are we doing hand prints again??
The one-of-a-kind Monster series by "one blue hand" productions
Troy's art and photo card
Hand-some monster
Mommy, what does blue paint taste like?

Saturday 26 October 2013

Mo' Monsters

Only five more days until Halloween!!  Which means only five more days to keep Daddy out of the candy and Troy from ripping the monsters off the windows :)
Monsters awaiting the trick or treaters
Monster close-up
and, the other side
Frankie and his spider friends guard the front door
Hey Daddy...there's monsters in the window!

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Leaf-ing it all behind

Troy and I were out playing in the leaves today.  We actually had to trespass into the neighbour's yard to find some (convenient, yes?).

Found the leaves Mommy 
There sure are a lot of them around here
Hey, we don't have to rake these all up do we?
Oh yeah...this is the neighbour's yard!
HAHA!  So we just get to enjoy them and go back to our house.
These boots were made for leaf crushing
Watch out leaves...here I come!

Costume Reveal

This year's Halloween costume is.......................a MONSTER!!
The scratched nose makes for a scarier monster, yes?
The full ensemble (and his grandmothers will be happy to know that he WILL be wearing shoes on Halloween!)
Mommy...what are all these pictures for?
Do I get that candy now?
I guess I'll have to wait to fill my trick or treat bag

Friday 18 October 2013

Haircut #2

Yesterday, Auntie Aysha gave Troy his second haircut.  It was long overdue (pun intended).  While Auntie A snipped away, Mommy kept Troy entertained with snacks (namely fresh muffins baked by Auntie A and, of course, marshmallows!).  Since Mommy was busy entertaining - eating muffins is hard work after all :) she didn't get a chance to photograph the actual cutting...but here are a few "after" shots:

Here's my big-boy haircut!
All trimmed up
Dashing, aren't I?

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Yes, we are getting ready for Halloween.  Troy has a costume (to be revealed soon) and he enjoys wearing it (phew!).  The Halloween candy has been bought (and packaged so they don't get eaten!) and Mommy is working on some new Halloween decor for the house (stay tuned)

If you need help getting in the Halloween spirit too... click HERE!

Troy gets cast as Halloween triplets :)

Monday 7 October 2013

Troy the Explorer

Troy loves to explore.   Which, for Troy, means picking up everything in sight...smelling it...touching it and, if I let him...tasting it (yuck).
What's this Mommy?
Hmmm...smells like...bark mulch
Another (sticky) pinecone!
I am getting better at bending over without falling on my face
Branching out

After exploring...Troy took a turn on the swing...

Friday 4 October 2013

Monsters in My Bed

When Gramma heard that Troy was moving into his big boy bed, she wanted to sew him something special.  She figured a good way to keep the monsters out from under the bed...was to put them into his bed!  She made the cutest monster pillow cover.  Troy thinks they're great...and loves getting into bed with them.  Thank you Gramma Annie!!!! 

I've got mail!!
WOW...Gramma sent me monsters
Showing the monsters my big-boy bed
Monstrous inspection
One-two-three....monsters in my bed
These monsters are cuddly
Doing my "monster" impression

Back Forty

Troy loves to play outside.  After spending some time in the front yard going for a swing and taking a tour on his bike he usually heads to the back yard.  The back yard is huge...but Troy prefers to play only in the VERY far back corner under the willow tree.  

Hey Mommy...found another dandelion!
I'll give it a taste to be sure
Yup...definitely dandelion
Here's my favorite willow tree
It's fun to pull the branches (they're my height!)
It kind of feels like my tree fort back here
There are lots of leaves starting to fall too
C'mon Mommy...alllllll the way to the back fence now
Hey Mommy...look at how nicely their lawn is mowed

Thursday 3 October 2013


Just wanted everyone to know that Troy's nose is healing up fine.  Even though he rubs against it all day long (much to Mommy's chagrin!)  We tried to find safer activities today...including reading books.  Well, mostly reading the SAME books OVER and OVER (again to Mommy's chagrin!).

See...my nose is looking better already!
I think it kind of makes me look tough, eh?
After taking off MOST of the books on my shelf, I found the Pigeon book (my current favorite!)
I love this part
Hey, Mommy...can we go play outside now?