Thursday 23 May 2013

Colouring with Crayons

Today Troy coloured with crayons.  Perhaps colouring may be too advanced a term to describe Troy's crayon action.  At first, he thought they were swords (on guard, mommy!)...but soon found they made a mark on the page (or the highchair tray!) and the scribbling began, between taste tests, of course.  

I have been having technical issues with you'll have to click this link to see Troy "colouring".

At least the wrong end of the crayon still does the job?!

Tuesday 21 May 2013


This weekend we put up a swing for Troy.  The tree in the front yard has a perfect branch for hanging a swing.  As soon as the last knot was tied, Troy was swinging away.  He was all smiles.  Watch Troy in action HERE.

The chosen branch
Daddy sizing up the rope
More pushes please
No mistaking who this swing belongs to
Looking forward to lots of swing time in the front yard

Monday 20 May 2013

Happy Birthday to Auntie C (and Mommy) !

Today is the day Auntie C and Mommy were born.  They surprised Gramma and Papa - not only being girls (they already had two girls) but by being TWINS!!  You see, this was a time (43 YEARS AGO!!!) when they didn't do all the fancy ultrasounds.  So, Gramma didn't know she was carrying twins...until she woke up from her C-section surgery...and, as she tells us, she promptly asked them to put her back to sleep!

This time, last year, Mommy was still carrying me.  After MANY ultrasounds, she knew I was a boy (and  that she wasn't carrying twins...although she looked like it!)  Gramma and Auntie C came to visit Mommy and help her get ready for me.  They brought all the beautiful things Gramma had sewn (with Auntie's designs) for my nursery.  They also went shopping for baby things (and things for themselves!).  It was a wonderful time.

Happy Birthday Auntie C.  Can't wait to celebrate with you (again) in June!

Celebrating with cupcakes
Gramma and her Girls
Of course there was shopping involved!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Troy and books

Troy loves books.  He enjoys listening to me read them...but mostly he enjoys reading on his own, which means bending back the pages between his feet.  Let's hope he outgrows this before school, otherwise I'll never get him into shoes!

Is it story time, Mommy?
I'll go get my books
Hmmm...this way of reading seems so traditional
I much prefer my way
Yeahhhhh....books are meant to be read with your feet
Bending back the cover is a must
Using my feet to help turn the pages
This way I can squeak my fingers down the pages
Reading with all fours
Reading also makes me it lunch time yet?

Sunday 12 May 2013

Mommy's Day

Today was my first Mother's Day - officially.  (This time last year, Troy was still rolling around in my belly! )  It is such a joy being Troy's mom...I am truly blessed.

We spent the morning drinking coffee (Troy doesn't know about sleeping in YET) and watching the rain fall.   Then, with a break in the weather and enough caffeine, we ventured into Victoria.  Troy had his first passport photos taken.  It was hard for him not to smile at the camera and flash his teeth (apparently no teeth allowed in passport photos).

No more kisses, Mommy
Troy looking all grown up in his passport photo

Friday 10 May 2013

Crib notes

Troy is so proud of his ability to pull himself up in his crib.  I usually put him in his crib after a (stinky) diaper change while I take the (stinky) diaper out to the trash.  When I come back in, I am greeted with this...
Look Mommy...I'm standing up!
Going in for a bite
Isn't this exciting???
What?  You've seen me do this before??
Well, it's still super exciting to me
I mean REALLY exciting
I am Troy, hear me ROAR
Yes, I am easily amused

Thursday 9 May 2013

Playpen Pal

Troy is learning to love the play pen.  Either that, or I was unable to hear his discontent over the hum of the lawnmower today?  He does enjoy watching me work.  Whether it is outside or inside...he will patiently play when he knows I'm working.  However, if I sit down to the computer or pick up a magazine...that is a whole different story!

Hi Mommy
Are you getting ready to mow the lawn?
Okay...I'll stay right here and play
I can stand up in the play pen now too!
I love the outdoors
I like watching all the birds and airplanes fly by

Saturday 4 May 2013

Shadow play

There are a few good things about getting up at 5:30 AM (I repeat...FEW).  It means we get to watch the sun rise and Daddy has time to play before going to work.  Troy's play room faces East so it is filled with the morning sunshine which casts some playful shadows.

Daddy and Troy in profile
Be careful now, boy
Touching moment
What gives Troy away more...his rooster tail hair...or his button nose?
Even his shadow seems to smile

Friday 3 May 2013


Troy is now on the move, more than ever.  It is great to have his, I mean playroom for him to, I mean play in.

Banging out some tunes
Don't be fooled by this calm look
Troy doing Al Pacino in Scarface..."What Jou looking at?"
Up on all fours
I can get into a sitting position all on my own now 
But I'd rather be skooching around 
Watch out I come!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Oma and Me

Oma came for a visit yesterday. It was so much fun to have someone new to play with!  I showed Oma my playroom...and all my toys.  She read my favorite book (the Gruffalo) to me.  I enjoyed squeaking my fingers down the pages.  I also showed her how much "busier" I am by crawling all over her.  She also taught mommy and daddy how to sing the Dutch song (with the right words!).  I love to "klapte" (clap) along.

This part this part!
The Gruffalo is my favorite story

My cheeks are hot pink...a sure sign I had fun with Oma!
Really Oma?  You have to go home?? long as you promise to have another visit.