Monday 18 February 2013

Chew Troy

Here is a demonstration of how "chewy" Troy is...

bite marks on the "chew" toy

Vampire Diaries

It's been 5 days and 18 biting incidents since Troy cut his other top tooth.  That makes, two, three, four...extremely sharp baby teeth..ah ha ha ha (that is my Sesame Street Count imitation).  But, there is no laughing, for I am covered in "toothy tattoos"...little bitemarks dotted up and down my arms (and I won't even mention the screams (MINE) during breastfeeds...well, I guess I just did?!)

I vant to suck your blooood...
To be honest, I'd rather have milk...or this chewy thing
I can hang upside down like a bat too!
It's lonely being a vampire

Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

These aren't just any handprints as you can plainly see.
For these are special handprints made by ME.
Along with these handprints, I send lots of hug and kisses your way,
And hope you have a very special Valentine's Day!


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Seeing Red

For those of you who need reminding (like my husband!)'s Valentine's Day this week - the day after tomorrow (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

Troy needs no reminding.  He was "well aware" that there was something going on when Mommy pulled out the camera...and red props.  However, he was not really feelin' the love.
love hurts
all done

Monday 4 February 2013

That's not chocolate...

Troy has added a new food to his favorites, it's not chocolate (although it looks like it)'s prunes!  Just don't tell him it's not chocolate, ok?

This sweet brown stuff is yummy!
Mommy, is this chocolate?
What do you mean sort of???
I think I'm messy on both ends now...... :)


Troy's latest nickname is "Snaggletooth"- aptly named for the top front tooth he is sporting that he snags on everything he chews!  I finally managed to get a photo of the elusive tooth...

Smiley Snaggletooth

Saturday 2 February 2013


With the emergence of Troy's new top tooth, I thought it was time to let him try some cheerios.  He took to them he was born to chew!  Mealtimes are bound to get messier, and....messier.

What are these??

I am supposed to eat them?  Really? (if you look realllllly closely you will see Troy's new top tooth)


So, some of them ended up on the floor...but who's counting?

Troy was counting
